Infection Control

Infection Control Updates

Field Crest Care Center


Current status of COVID-19 in the facility: No cases

Weekly Cumulative Update:

  • Confirmed COVID-19 cases
    • Residents: 0
    • Staff: 0
  • Three or more staff/residents with new onset of respiratory symptoms within 72 hours of each other
    • N/A

When cases are high throughout the state and/or the facility is in outbreak status, there is an increased risk for contracting COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses.  Please follow all Visitor Instructions posted at entrance to reduce the risk of transmitting respiratory viruses.  If you have questions, see nurse on the duty.

As always, thank you for your ongoing support as we continue to implement changes as they come to ensure every resident is able to spend time with loved ones in a safe way.

Masks are recommended throughout the entire facility when facility is in outbreak status for respiratory viruses.  Masks will be available for visitor use at the front entrance.

If you have been exposed to or having symptoms of any respiratory or gastrointestinal illness, please refrain from visiting our communities for at least 48 hours after resolution of symptoms.  Symptoms of COVID-19 are posted the entrances.

At any point in time, visitors, residents, or staff may choose to wear a source control mask while in the community.